Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Accepting People

Unity is a never ending circle of strength and joy.

Today school was quite relax, 3 hours of Microsoft Access module. Thankfully by God's grace, I could understand and pick up the whole lesson. And I finished the class assessment with ease, Ms Tan actually quite good lah. Then after school, went to the fast food canteen to eat together with some friends. Ate from the 'Grinning Gecko', ordered Alfredo (creamy pasta with chicken) and cream of mushroom soup, the Alfredo not bad but soup too salty for me. Then we walked to Kou Fu to meet the other group of friends, some of them were preparing to go K-Box. Of course I never go, scared later they jealous until 'buay tahan' lah. LOL. Kidding only, my singing is terrible actually. So I met Shawn, he with his friends. Then we used laptop for awhile then went Campus Crusade. Campus Crusade ok lah, cause never go really long then cannot judge, had some fun. Worship may not be powerful, but simple and good, good enough already. Then went for Athletics Orientation. Quite relaxed, when the real training comes, I will try to get serious. Waited for Shawn do high jump then came back home late. About my title, just went heavily in thoughts today. Thought of why shouldn't I just accept everyone for who they are, since I myself have many areas of errors. Even how bad the person we may judge him/her to be, he/she has virtues. Maybe I should face the positive aspects of the person and turn away from the negative aspects. Learning to accept people and free of criticism can make life much easier too. I am learning, it is difficult, I'm human afterall. People claim 'I hate backstabbers', 'Gossiping is bad', but they still gossip and backstab... Human nature, only have narrow views, same goes to me. If something doesn't happen to you or the people around you, it is like nothing. But when it does, you will then realise... But I am determined to 'break' this nature. Pardon me if you find any of me offensive to anyone, because I don't like hurting anyone myself, I mean no harm, peace. (:

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